<!-- A short story from Tom -->

"Way back a long time ago I was at Al's house. We were just hangin' out, probably watching one of his dad's pornos. I start farting, then Al starts farting. Then I let out a real bad one and shit just sprays in my underwear. I couldn't believe it. I said something like "I gotta take a leak." I went into the bathroom and pulled my pants down and let out the loudest, silent "Oh no, what have I done" I've ever heard. I took off those stinky boxers and put them at the bottom of his trash, then put all the used tissues and Q-tips back on top. His bathroom fuckin' stank, then the hall started to stink, then his brother found out and started making fun of me. We went to the mall after and I saw a girl that I liked, but I was mean to her 'cause I didn't want her to come near me because I smelled."

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